Casa Casa A children focused on water activities like pouring, sponging and whisking which helped to develop their concentration and fine muscles. In language, we started working with sandpaper letters and sorting objects by their beginning sounds. Casa B and C did Sink and Float. Children chose objects and made predictions before placing items on water. We Read more…
Casa Casa A children listened to songs and played games to help learn about the colours of each day. Casa B children discussed the origin of Victoria Day – celebration of a Queen’s birthday. We made a colourful paper plate crown this week to celebrate colour week and looked for objects of different colours each day. We Read more…
Casa Casa A children are settling well in our Montessori classroom, exploring and learning new activities and lessons. Children are introduced to sandpaper letters and their sounds. They are polishing mirror, pouring tea and folding aprons. Children also enjoy preparing their Mother’s Day craft. Children in Casa B continue to learn about bugs and get in depth Read more…
Casa This week, children in Casa A learned the concept of little, big, and giant by singing a song. They learned how to work with metal insets, the snap button dressing frame, and locks & keys. Children learned about parts of a horse and names of some common insects. Casa B children talked about the insect world. Read more…