Casa It is Spring! Casa A children talked about Spring and planting. Children watered seeds and watched them change every day. We did a balloon and paper experiment and saw how paper can get attracted to the balloon with static electricity. We are thankful for all the love and care our moms give us and will be Read more…

Casa Casa A children enjoyed a story – Fox and Crow; they then made puppets of a fox and a crow and used them in a puppet show.  They also put beans in a wet paper towel and are going to see what would happen.  In celebration of Earth Day, children were introduced to the sandpaper globe Read more…

Casa We talked about the weather this week – rain & thunder storm, snow & blizzard, wind & tornado. We also talked about the water cycle. We learned that water evapourates and gathers to form clouds. Then water drops fall down to the Earth again. It would repeat and that is what a cycle is. Pre-Casa We Read more…

Casa Happy Easter! Spring is here and we talked about signs of Spring – warmer weather, rain, spring flowers, and insects. We had our Easter Egg Hunt on Thursday at the school and dyed our eggs with vinegar and food coloring. It was a lot of fun sharing Easter surprises and celebrating Easter together. PreCasa Seasons greeting Read more…

Casa We talked about the human body and the 5 senses -smell, sight, sound, touch, and taste. We discussed eye hygiene which is important for good eyesight and practiced eyeball exercises. We talked about how to protect our ears and read a story to know our ears prefer low-volume sounds. Pre-Casa Spring is around the corner! We Read more…