Casa B students talked about outdoor safety in preparation for the pumpkin field trip. When we go outside, children in the class should move as a group and must remember to follow the teachers. From the pumpkin farm, we brought back a giant sunflower and noticed it was full of sunflower seeds.  We compared sunflower seeds with Read more…

In preparation for our field trip next week, children in Casa B learned about farm animals this week. We made a red barn and arranged cows, horses, sheep, pigs, and hens to live inside. Through songs, we imitated the sounds that these animals make. We continued to learn letters in our names through various ways and practiced Read more…

Casa B students continued to talk about themselves and learn the names of their classmates.  We identified the beginning sounds in our names and learned the names of the Montessori materials we use in the classroom.  Each of us made a school bus this week and understood that we go to school every day to become smarter Read more…

Welcome to the 2022 – 2023 school year Casa B children sang the welcome song and learned the names of their classmates.  Children visited other classes to become familiar with the school environment. Children were introduced to the Pink Tower and Brown Stairs where they practiced matching, sorting and building by size. Children learned to stand in Read more…