
It is Spring! Casa A children talked about Spring and planting. Children watered seeds and watched them change every day. We did a balloon and paper experiment and saw how paper can get attracted to the balloon with static electricity. We are thankful for all the love and care our moms give us and will be preparing something special for our moms.

It was Animal Week for Casa B children. They sorted animals into categories, vertebrates and invertebrates. Insects belong to the group of invertebrates and it is the biggest group. Humans and most animals are vertebrates because they have a backbone.

Casa C children discussed the life cycle of a butterfly and brought home the life cycle of a sunflower craft. Everybody is working hard to improve their tracing and sound recognization.  Our graduates are starting to read short sentences.

The theme this week was “The Garden”. Children arranged flowers, colored flowers, and did food stamping. These activities promoted children’s sensitivity to colours and developed fine motor skills.