Casa We focused on our five senses this week to sort taste, hearing, touch, sight, and smell. The children also talked about emotions and feelings this week. We read “Z have feelings”, “Being a friend”, “Courtesy”, and “Responsibility”. We talked about what are good manners and how to care for our friends’ feelings too. Pre-Casa This week Read more…
Casa Casa children talked about habits for good health and dental hygiene. We sorted healthy and unhealthy food for the teeth. We made a paper hand with germs and discussed how to clean our hands. We demonstrated how to properly wash our hands with songs. In culture, we did a science volcano experiment to demonstrate a volcano Read more…
CasaThis week, our children were introduced to our bodies, bones and muscles. We cut out paper bones and arranged them to form a skeleton. We talked about the 3 ways to help our bones grow strong – eat healthy food, do exercise, and go play under the sun. We also talked about how our bones help our Read more…