February 28 – March 4 Welcome to March! Casa Casa 1 has been learning about the amazing human body. We discussed what is on the outside and what we think is on the inside of our bodies. We looked at real x-rays to see what bones look like and put together a life-sized paper skeleton. We learned Read more…
Casa Children in Casa 1 continued with the unit on Canada. They learned about the Canadian currency and flowers. We followed Canada Crew to check out Toronto’s Allan Gardens, and participated in Ottawa’s famous Tulip Festival. We made our own piggy bank and learned the names of the different coins after watching a video on how coins Read more…
Casa We are Canadian! The children in Casa 1 have been learning about their nationality and the beautiful country of Canada. They can locate Canada on the world map and sing a song about the provinces and territories. Children explored the flag, native animals and languages of Canada. Children in Casa 2 learned about love, sharing and Read more…
Casa This week, we celebrated the 100th day of school. We are 100 days smarter! Children counted big objects and little objects to see how much 100 really is. We learned that counting by 10’s is the fastest way to get to 100. We talked about what we probably have 100 of at home and what we Read more…