Happy New Year! Welcome to 2023.
Casa B children discussed what we did during the winter holiday. We started a unit on the solar system. We sang songs to learn the names of the eight planets. We learned that Earth is our home. The Earth runs around the Sun and the moon runs around the Earth. We walked around a paper sun holding paper planets and pretended to be planets that go around the Sun.
In the first week of 2023, Casa C friends reviewed the classroom rules, and discussed our new year plans. We discussed how to play and talk kindly with our friends, the need for potty training, self-help skill, and learned numbers and sounds. Next week, our weekly theme will be Chinese New Year. We are going to learn about the Chinese New Year culture with crafts and arts.
This week pre-casa learned about winter and cold. They experienced winter by shoveling snow and colouring outside during recess where a lot of creative work was done. We prepared hot cocoa counting hands-on material to promote a self-learning experience. The children had an amazing time doing simple but not easy art activities using pool noodles and loose materials. The children had a good time making snowmen and winter hats. Students had time to learn about winter animals such as polar bears and penguins during their free-play time.