January 31 – February 4


Happy Lunar New Year!

Casa 1 learned about Chinese New Year symbols, traditions, and foods. They had a lesson in Chinese Calligraphy. February 2 was Groundhog Day. We learned about groundhogs and the legend about Groundhog Day.

Casa 2 children made CNY crafts and celebrated with loud drumming and lion dance. We continued building our language, math, and sensorial skills with daily activities.


After celebrating Chinese New Year, pre-casa children are learning about the heart shape and the meaning of love. Children explored the environment surrounded by hearts and did multiple activities related to the theme. Children practiced gross motor by hopping on heart shapes. They developed cognitive skills by making patterns, counting numbers and colour sorting with heart cards. Through various art activities – stencil, mosaic and glitter glue – children are becoming familiar with the alphabet.