This week, we celebrated the 100th day of school. We are 100 days smarter! Children counted big objects and little objects to see how much 100 really is. We learned that counting by 10’s is the fastest way to get to 100. We talked about what we probably have 100 of at home and what we would like to have 100 of. We also started “All About Canada” as our next theme.
Casa 2 children did crafts and activities on 100th day of school. Children enjoyed making a sensory bag that stimulated their tactile senses. Children also learned about the 2022 Winter Olympics happening in Beijing. We talked about winter sports like curling, skiing, and skating. We made an Olympic torch to symbolize the light of spirit, knowledge and life.
Pre-casa enjoyed lots of sensory play this week – water beads, glass beads, playdoughs, and bubble wraps. They loved counting from one to ten and putting the alphabet in order from A to Z through many hands-on activities. Pre-casa children are learning to express their ideas through art and language!